Friday, May 15, 2009

Designers presentations

Kyle Cooper

Cooper studied at Yale School of Art under Paul Rand, who influenced his studies and design. His style is artistic and abstract but very versatile, staying true to each individual film. Some of the films he did title sequences on include Se7en, Spider-Man, Dawn of the Dead, and Curious George. He experiments with playful typography in the sequences a lot. He also does animation for TV spots on top of the many movie projects that he does.


Shepard Fairey

Fairey started designing as a teenager, even designing skateboards, and then went to RISD after high school. His style is similar to art deco and incorporates sunbursts, dark colors, hidden messages (political, etc.), bold colors and sans serif fonts. He designed many posters, like his “Andre the Giant”, Obey, Obama, and Black Sabbath posters. He wants people to question his work, especially his Obey posters, to question things in life like authority that we subscribe to. 

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